If You Are Looking For A Natural Acne Cure Then Read This

Acne Cure  - Acne is a terrible skin condition that usually occurs around puberty that is most commonly caused by hormonal changes. Acne affects boys more than it does girls because boys produce more sebum due to testosterone. Girls’ bodies produce sebum but in smaller quantities. For this reason women do not get as much acne as boys.

Acne Cure
- Acne is not only annoying but it often brings uncertainty and huge social problems such as a low self-esteem, isolation from others, and being bullied by others. Now, hormonal unbalance during puberty is not the sole cause of acne. A fatty skin unlike a dry skin is simply much more likely to have clogged pores from which acne can arise. Acne can able be a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet.

Aggressive agents such as benzoyl peroxide or other chemicals are normally used as acne cures but natural acne cures exist. Yes, you can cure acne naturally. There is a variety of natural acne cures that can be used to cure or reduce acne.

The excessive production of sebum can be greatly reduced by a sufficient intake of Vitamin A which is mostly found in liver, fish and butter but is also available as a dietary supplement. Even though Vitamin is a natural acne cure, it is not advisable to take too much Vitamin A since that too much Vitamin A is harmful to the body. Fish is often high in omega-3 fatty acids that will hydrate the skin and fight acne. High fiber foods like oatmeal results in the absorption of excess fat and is therefore another way to cure acne. Zinc as a dietary supplement is an excellent antioxidant and is a natural acne cure because it stimulates the immune system and also has anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin A and Zinc are very reliable acne cures.

Clogged pores as a result of excessive oils are the main culprits for the development of acne. Another natural acne cure is to wash the fact at least two times per day to remove excessive sebum with natural glycerin soap. Glycerol is also an excellent natural acid substance that helps the pores to release fat and helps remove dead skin cells. Cleaning the face with a cotton ball and glycerol is advised to reduce acne formation.

Making sure that the skin is hydrated regularly is another natural acne cure. Aloe Vera cream is an acne cure that will cause the face to become moisturized and will help keep the skin elastic and dead skin cells will be easier to remove.

It is also good to use an antibacterial agent to combat the bacteria that causes acne. Using a 5% Tea Tree Oil solution is just as effective or even more effective that the chemical that is most often used to cure acne Benzoyl Peroxide. At least a 5% Tea Tree Oil solution is just as efficient as or even better than the chemical version Benzoyl Peroxide.

By reducing the growth of fat cells and with its high anti-inflammatory attributes, turmeric qualifies as one of the most effective natural acne cures. Turmeric can be found in certain spices used in food or it can be found in the turmeric paste which is applied on the face and left overnight. The following morning the turmeric paste which is a mixture of turmeric powder and milk is washed off of the face. Several treatments of turmeric paste are normally effective acne cures.